Transition, Lower, and Upper Elementary have required parent/teacher conferences. Lower and Upper Elementary students are required to attend the conference with their parents. Primary class conferences are for new students only. A Sign-Up Genius will go out on July 19th.
Orientation week begins August 12th with the schedule as follows: Transition: 8/12-8/13 All students 9:10-10:10, 8/14 All students 9:10-10:30, 8/15-8/16 All students 9:10-11:00, 8/19 All students normal schedule. Primary 1 and Primary 2: 8/12-8/14 NEW students to the class only 9:00-11:00, 8/15-8/16 ALL students 9:00-11:50, 8/19 All students normal schedule. Lower Elementary: 8/12-8/16 NEW students […]
Hot Lunch Orders are due. If you wish to have your child receive lunch for the month of September have your child's order in today. If you need a hot lunch menu please email or call the office.